wie weiße früchte eines zeitbaums.
[like white fruits of a time tree]
for string quartet and optional electronics (2023)
duration: 24'
premiere: 2/6/2023 in Brucknerhaus Linz, Quatuor Diotima
self-publishing edition: make contact
An infinite stream of time.
Below. Always there.
Only sometimes are its sources visible. Like white fruits of a time tree.
The goats stand on the mountain meadow because they drink from a small stream.
The stream in front of the house also flows because the goats drink from it.
Because at some point the goats will return to the water cycle. Everything contributes to this stream.
No beginning, no end.
The river of life and the river of death.
So it's not just that the goats depend on the stream. In a way, the stream also depends on the goats.
It is similar with music and time.
Without time there is no music.
So music is nothing but the flow of time.
So also the flow of time is nothing but music.
Because with the big bang there was not only the bang but also the beginning of time.
Everything is interwoven.
Time is music.
Music is time.
An incessant flow.
But only sometimes do we really perceive the fruits of this flow of time. A string quartet.
(Bretstein in May 2023)